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Effective work schedule management in retail


Industry challenges

In the retail sector, there are often difficulties associated with managing staff, especially those employed part-time or seasonally. Large retail chains with a large workforce must deal with issues related to flexible work schedules. Stores operate in shifts, including weekends and holidays, making scheduling complicated and requiring intensive communication with employees to determine their availability.

Improperly set schedules, especially during peak hours, can lead to long queues and customer frustration, lowering their satisfaction. Customers expect quick and efficient service, and its lack can encourage them to move to the competition, negatively impacting the company's revenues.

Company solutions

The Proplanum system, which allows for flexible shift scheduling considering employee preferences, has become a key tool supporting the daily functioning of companies, significantly increasing their operational efficiency and staff satisfaction.

Proplanum system benefits:

  1. Automatic Work Hours Tracking: The Proplanum system automatically tracks employee work hours, helping to avoid unplanned overtime. This reduces operational costs related to overtime pay.
  2. Compliance with Labor Laws: Proplanum ensures compliance with applicable labor laws, minimizing the risk of potential fines and legal disputes.
  3. Customer Traffic Data Analysis: The system enables analysis of customer traffic data, allowing for more precise work schedule planning and adapting them to actual needs. This optimizes the use of human resources and reduces operational costs.
  4. Improving Employee Satisfaction: By considering employee preferences when scheduling, Proplanum helps increase staff satisfaction, leading to a better work atmosphere and lower employee turnover.

Achieved results

The introduction of flexible shift scheduling in large retail stores using the Proplanum system has brought significant improvements in staff management. Here are the key achievements:

  1. Reducing Labor Costs: Automatic work hours tracking and preventing unplanned overtime significantly reduced labor costs. Better utilization of employee work time reduced the need for additional staff, lowering recruitment and training costs.
  2. Increasing Operational Efficiency: Better staff management improved the store's operational efficiency. Effective work planning allowed managers to use resources more efficiently, leading to savings and improved company operations.
  3. Improving Customer Service Quality: By better matching schedules to peak hours, stores could provide faster and more efficient customer service. Customer satisfaction increased, leading to greater loyalty and higher revenues.


The Proplanum system has proven to be an invaluable tool for companies operating in the retail sector. Its implementation has allowed for a significant reduction in operational costs, increased efficiency in staff management, and improved customer service quality. Thanks to Proplanum, companies can achieve a balance between operational efficiency and employee satisfaction, which in the long run translates into better financial results and a competitive advantage in the market.

Automate processes and increase work efficiency. Proplanum allows you to easily schedule and manage your team in one intuitive cloud system.
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If you have questions or need additional information, we are here to help. Start scheduling and improve team management today!
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Proplanum allows you to quickly create work schedules, delegate tasks, and fully control labor costs. Start a 21-day free trial of Proplanum and automate daily tasks related to planning and managing work in your company – it costs nothing!