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Managing staff and schedules in the medical sector: effective solutions


Industry challenges

In collaboration with clients from the medical sector, we have noticed that selecting staff with the appropriate qualifications is crucial for the proper functioning of the hospital. Any errors in schedule planning can directly endanger patient safety. Difficulties in planning work in a multi-shift system and errors in time accounting, often resulting from manual data compilation, are particularly problematic. Dual subordination can affect many areas - work efficiency, internal communication, and employee satisfaction. Moreover, the medical sector often faces crisis situations that require quick intervention and schedule changes.

Company solutions

Proplanum has proven to be a key tool for medical facilities that decided to implement it, significantly improving the area of team management.

Proplanum system benefits:

  1. Minimizing Schedule Planning Errors: The system takes into account the qualifications and availability of employees, minimizing errors in schedule planning. This allows medical facilities to ensure the appropriate number of staff with the right qualifications on each shift, which is crucial for patient safety.
  2. Efficiency of the Multi-Shift System: The multi-shift system and time accounting, which previously posed difficulties due to manual data processing, are now much more efficient thanks to automation. Proplanum ensures precise planning and adjustment of work schedules.
  3. Quick Adaptation to Crisis Situations: In the medical sector, where crisis situations often occur, Proplanum enables quick adaptation of work schedules. This is crucial for medical facilities to effectively respond to sudden changes and demands.
  4. Improving Communication and Employee Satisfaction: The system improves internal communication, which is essential in cases of dual subordination. Additionally, it allows employees to have more influence on planning their work hours, increasing their motivation and job satisfaction.

Achieved results

The implementation of the Proplanum system has brought significant benefits to medical facilities:

  1. Accurate and Precise Work Schedules: Proplanum enabled the creation of accurate work schedules, ensuring the appropriate number of staff with the right qualifications. This minimized the risk of errors and increased patient safety.
  2. Maintaining Work-Life Balance: The system allowed for adjusting work hours to the individual needs of employees, resulting in a better balance between professional and private life. Maintaining high morale and team productivity became easier.
  3. Reducing Staff Turnover: Employees gained more influence over planning their work hours, increasing their motivation and job satisfaction. This, in turn, reduced staff turnover, stabilizing the team.
  4. Operational Efficiency: Thanks to automation and precise planning, medical facilities can better manage staff time, minimizing downtime and increasing operational efficiency.


The Proplanum system has proven to be an invaluable tool for the medical sector, providing precise planning and staff management. Its implementation has significantly improved operational processes, minimized schedule errors, and improved internal communication. Thanks to Proplanum, medical facilities can better respond to crisis situations, ensuring patient safety and employee satisfaction. Ultimately, this system has contributed to increasing operational efficiency and improving the financial results of medical facilities.

Automate processes and increase work efficiency. Proplanum allows you to easily schedule and manage your team in one intuitive cloud system.
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If you have questions or need additional information, we are here to help. Start scheduling and improve team management today!
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Proplanum allows you to quickly create work schedules, delegate tasks, and fully control labor costs. Start a 21-day free trial of Proplanum and automate daily tasks related to planning and managing work in your company – it costs nothing!