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Effective time management and staffing in the hospitality industry


Industry challenges

In our collaboration with hotel networks, we have observed that one of the most common challenges they face is time management. Inefficient planning often leads to excessive overtime, directly resulting in high and often additional (unplanned) costs.

Additional difficulties are associated with continuous changes in guest numbers depending on the season, requiring staff adjustments to the current situation. This challenge is particularly difficult considering the dynamics of the hospitality industry. This situation significantly complicates the process of adjusting flexible schedules, resulting from non-standard working hours, without overburdening staff. Ignoring these factors poses a risk of high staff turnover, generating additional recruitment and training costs.

We have also observed difficulties in accurate budget planning. Without specific and detailed data, it is challenging to plan labor costs, which are not only variable but also often generate unforeseen expenses. Lack of transparency in hotel operations across the entire network translates into inaccurate planning and analysis of labor costs, which can lead to discrepancies and budget overruns.

Company solutions

The implementation of the Proplanum system has solved the problems associated with time management in hotels.

Proplanum system benefits:

  1. Automatic Work Hours Tracking (RCP): The work hours registration tool automatically monitors work hours, enabling the prevention of unwanted overtime and more effective cost management.
  2. Historical Data Analysis: The application allows for the analysis of historical data, which enables faster response to changes and optimization of work schedules. This allows for better adjustment to changing guest numbers and seasonal demands.
  3. Advanced Reporting and Data Analysis: Reporting and data analysis functions for each hotel in the network allow for a more accurate understanding of specific challenges and requirements of individual units. This enables more effective staff and budget management.

Achieved results

Hotels that decided to implement the Proplanum system noticed significant improvements in staff management:

  1. Reduction in Recruitment and Training Costs: Thanks to more efficient work planning, managers reduced unplanned overtime and the additional costs associated with it. Expenses related to recruitment, training, or adaptation of new employees were significantly reduced, directly translating into financial benefits.
  2. Improved Operational Efficiency: Proplanum improved the daily operations of hotels by introducing improvements in budgeting and cost management. The system enabled more efficient expense management, allowing for more accurate labor cost planning, considering seasonal changes and specific needs of each hotel.
  3. Increased Transparency and Control: Collecting and analyzing data from individual locations allowed for a better understanding and control of labor costs across the entire hotel network. Proplanum functions helped create an efficient and effective tool for managing and creating cost strategies.


The Proplanum system has proven to be an invaluable tool for hotel networks, providing precise planning and staff management. Its implementation has allowed for a significant reduction in operational costs, increased efficiency in staff management, and improved customer service quality. Thanks to Proplanum, hotels can achieve a balance between operational efficiency and employee satisfaction, which translates into better financial results and a competitive advantage in the long run.

Automate processes and increase work efficiency. Proplanum allows you to easily schedule and manage your team in one intuitive cloud system.
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If you have questions or need additional information, we are here to help. Start scheduling and improve team management today!
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Proplanum allows you to quickly create work schedules, delegate tasks, and fully control labor costs. Start a 21-day free trial of Proplanum and automate daily tasks related to planning and managing work in your company – it costs nothing!