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Process Automation in the Company – A Comprehensive Guide for Large Companies

Process Automation
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Automation in specific departments and tasks of the company

The possibility of automating processes exists for almost every area of your company's operations. Are you looking for support for accounting or management, or maybe you would like to streamline sales or marketing processes? That's not a problem - you can improve the functioning of the company in these areas as well.

Business process automation can significantly transform the way your company operates.
Here's what it can offer:

  • automatic creation and processing of documentation;
  • efficient data and information retrieval;
  • generation of reports and forecasts;
  • optimization of sales processes;
  • data analysis and trend detection;
  • modernization of financial and accounting processes;
  • improvement of internal communication;
  • electronic archiving of company documentation;
  • project management and effective task allocation to employees;
  • system testing and error identification;
  • professional customer service;
  • support in human resources management;
  • inventory monitoring and order automation;
  • organization of business meetings and business trips;
  • processes for onboarding new employees;

What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?

Business process automation is a method of organization and optimization, in which tasks, documents, or information are passed from one participant to another, according to defined processes within the company. Advanced process management should be one of the main goals of every company - over time, digitization brings tangible benefits.

Starting digitization in a company may seem challenging, but with the right approach, it is a process that can bring many benefits. The key is to identify the areas that will benefit the most from digitization and to involve the entire team in this process. It is worth considering cooperation with experts who will help choose the right technologies and tools, as well as provide training for employees.

BPA, BPM, and RPA – what are the differences?

Among the concepts related to task automation in a company, we distinguish BPA (Business Process Automation), BPM (Business Process Management), and RPA (Robotic Process Automation). Although many people do not see the difference between these terms, they actually differ in the scope of actions performed:

  • BPM - business process management, which includes their design, implementation, and maintenance;
  • BPA - optimization and simplification of existing processes;
  • RPA - robotic process automation, operating at the application user interface level, automating tasks performed by employees;
Basic differences between BPA and RPA
  • Control:
    a) in BPA: it is essential for optimizing and supervising processes, especially in light of dynamically changing results and business conditions;
    b) in RPA: solutions are created once, which continuously automate the process;
  • Technology:
    a) in BPA: it uses interconnected technologies - IoT (Internet of Things) and blockchain, for deeper integration and optimization;
    b) in RPA: machine learning is the basis of actions;
  • Implementation - cost and time:
    a) in BPA: long, expensive, and complicated (requires much more complex analysis and strategic planning);
    b) in RPA: quick, cheap, and easy to integrate with existing systems;
  • Impact on the organization:
    a) in BPA: optimization applies to a broad scale (the entire business process);
    b) in RPA: optimization works on a micro level (automates only specific tasks and processes);

business processes
how and which can be automated?

Business processes – how and which ones can be automated?

How and which business processes can be automated?

It is worth breaking down business process automation into stages. Consider what changes and in which areas will bring the greatest benefits in the shortest time. First, it is a good idea to select highly standardized tasks that are characterized by little variability - also pay attention to processes where human errors often occur and that are used across multiple platforms and systems. However, before implementing a new system, take these 5 short but key steps:

Step 1 – identifying needs

To verify and identify low-value processes in the company, repetitive and time-consuming tasks that require automation, it is worth performing the following actions:

  • search for routine tasks and tasks that do not require specialized knowledge and those that consume a lot of employee time and have low added value;
  • thoroughly analyze each stage of the process to identify and find inefficient areas that cause errors or delays in project implementation;
  • determine processes that can be easily integrated with existing systems (e.g., CRM or ERP);
  • establish the benefits and goals you want to achieve (e.g., improve customer service or reduce costs);
  • make sure that the selected processes for automation are aligned with the company's strategy and values;

Step 2 – choosing the right tools

An important issue is finding a system that will not only streamline processes but will also be intuitive for employees in the company (this can significantly facilitate daily work). A well-chosen system should offer scalability and flexibility to adapt to the changing needs of the company. Moreover, it is worth paying attention to the possibility of integrating the new solution with already existing tools and processes.

Step 3 – system flexibility

The selected tool should be quick and easy to implement and be flexible. Try to look for open solutions (systems) - they will allow modifications and changes to adapt to the changing situation in your company.

Step 4 – automation plan

Do not get carried away and do not introduce changes simultaneously - start with key parameters and gradually add more elements as needed. Furthermore, do not forget that the tool is new and unknown to your employees - daily work will certainly be facilitated by training on the correct use of the introduced improvements.

Step 5 – engagement

Implementing new changes will not be effective without openness to internal communication. Engage your employees, listen to them, and let them act - this will allow you to respond to their needs and choose a solution tailored to their requirements. As a result, the implementation process will be much faster and will bring real benefits to the company.

A typical robotic process automation (RPA) process

What does a typical robotic process look like?

The process starts with software selection and preparing the infrastructure. Then, processes that require automation must be selected - this aspect is usually handled by analysts evaluating the potential for automation. It is worth emphasizing that not every process requires full automation (sometimes it is simply impossible), sometimes it is enough to improve only a certain part of the area to achieve the desired goal.

After selecting the process and preparing the necessary documentation, developers start creating the robot. The testing phase is crucial here - it is at this stage that errors are detected, fixed, and eliminated. After obtaining positive results, the robot moves to the production environment.

However, even after successful implementation, business processes and applications may change, which can disrupt the operation of robots. In such situations, their reconfiguration is necessary to ensure continuity and efficiency of processes.

process automation in the company
what do you gain?

Automation of processes in a company: what do you gain?

What do you gain by deciding to automate processes in your company?

Business process automation is a step towards the future that will enable your company to operate with greater efficiency and precision. Modern technologies can optimize operations, reduce costs, and increase productivity, regardless of the scale of operations. Process automation is an investment in the future of the company, which allows for:

  • financial savings - automation can help reduce the company's operating costs by up to 30%;
  • speeding up operations - tasks that required human intervention are performed in a short time;
  • increasing efficiency and quality of service - the ability to respond more quickly to the needs of customers or potential contractors without additional burden on employees;
  • minimizing errors - reduces human errors to a minimum, especially in tasks that require precise data entry and analysis;
  • accelerating completion time - streamlines internal communication and the task allocation process;
  • quick adaptation to changes - the system operates continuously, responding to needs at any time;
  • monitoring processes - particularly important for management, which can comprehensively monitor workflow;
  • increasing competitiveness - companies using automation can adapt more quickly to market changes, giving them a competitive advantage;

How to prepare for business process automation?

Business process automation is an investment that requires not only financial resources but also the time commitment of employees. Without proper preparation, time investment, and engagement in the implementation process, even the best system will not work effectively. Also, remember to consider the possibilities offered by the system and whether it will be intuitive for both highly qualified and line employees to use.

Automation of processes in daily work – what do we recommend?

Using a dedicated tool in your company that allows for business process automation brings many benefits not only "now" but also "tomorrow". One of them is Proplanum, which combines the functions of many features in one place. The flexibility of the modules you have will streamline daily activities.

Thanks to the work schedule module, you will be able to quickly and easily create a schedule for a week, two, or even a month. Automatic verification with labor law regulations will inform you of any errors and inconsistencies. Moreover, the task manager function will enable effective planning of daily work and duties. Additionally, employees will be informed on an ongoing basis about newly introduced entries, so they will have insight into what is currently happening in the company.

Automation is a process worth taking a closer look at and trying to apply in your company. A well-thought-out choice after a thorough analysis can streamline the organization's operations on many levels and increase its market position.

Magda Kowalczyk
Automate processes and increase work efficiency. Proplanum allows you to easily schedule and manage your team in one intuitive cloud system.
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