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Optimization of production processes and personnel management in the manufacturing sector


Industry challenges

In our collaboration with clients from the manufacturing sector, we have noticed that one of the biggest challenges is ensuring production process continuity. This requires not only precise planning and change management but also effective coordination of thousands of employees with different roles and skills. This is a complex task that requires a flexible approach to time management, especially in the context of shift work.

Shift work, although necessary, can lead to overwork and burnout. Therefore, it is essential to accurately monitor each employee's work time, including arrival at shift, leaving the position, and ending work. Monitoring absenteeism in a large plant is crucial to avoid production schedule disruptions that may result from absences and delays, especially in team-based systems and assembly lines.

Quickly responding to unforeseen situations, such as machine failures, is extremely important. Effective internal plant communication is necessary for the proper flow of information about schedules and production changes.

Both employers and employees must face challenges to achieve a balance between private and professional life. Employees strive for shifts that are adjusted to their preferences to avoid burnout and increase their productivity and job satisfaction.

Company solutions

The solution to these problems was the implementation of a time management system that significantly improved the daily functioning of the factory. The Proplanum system allowed for precise shift planning, which proved essential in a variable work environment.

Proplanum system benefits:

  1. Precise Shift Planning: The system enables precise shift planning, allowing for efficient coordination of thousands of employees. This allows for flexible response to changing market conditions and production demand.
  2. Monitoring Work Time: Automatic tracking of employee arrival, leaving the position, and ending work. This prevents absences and delays that may disrupt the production schedule.
  3. Absenteeism Management: The system helps monitor absenteeism, which is crucial to avoid production schedule disruptions. This increases operational stability and reduces downtime risk.
  4. Effective Communication: Enables quick internal plant communication, necessary for the proper flow of information about schedules and production changes.
  5. Work-Life Balance: Employees can benefit from flexible schedules tailored to their preferences, increasing their satisfaction and work efficiency.

Achieved results

After implementing the Proplanum system, we noticed significant optimization of production processes:

  1. Increasing Efficiency: Precise planning and change management allow for better use of work time, increasing efficiency. The system enables quick adjustment of planning to changes in production demand or in case of machine failures, minimizing downtime and increasing operational flexibility.
  2. Reducing Operational Costs: Accurate monitoring of employee attendance helps prevent absences and delays that may disrupt production schedules. This allows factory managers to have more time to oversee the entire production process, focusing on planning, organization, and production control. This is crucial for ensuring efficiency, quality, and on-time delivery.
  3. Improving Product Quality: Managers can more effectively maintain high product quality standards through regular inspections and managing quality control systems. Instead of spending time on scheduling and monitoring accounts, they can focus on strategic aspects of factory management.
  4. Employee Satisfaction: Thanks to flexible schedules tailored to employee preferences, the risk of burnout and overwork is reduced, increasing productivity and job satisfaction.


The Proplanum system has proven to be an invaluable tool for companies operating in the manufacturing sector. Its implementation has allowed for a significant reduction in operational costs, increased efficiency in personnel management, and improved product quality. Thanks to Proplanum, companies can achieve a balance between operational efficiency and employee satisfaction, which in the long run translates into better financial results and a competitive advantage in the market.

Automate processes and increase work efficiency. Proplanum allows you to easily schedule and manage your team in one intuitive cloud system.
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Proplanum allows you to quickly create work schedules, delegate tasks, and fully control labor costs. Start a 21-day free trial of Proplanum and automate daily tasks related to planning and managing work in your company – it costs nothing!