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Efficient schedule and staff management in the restaurant industry


Industry challenges

In collaboration with clients from the restaurant industry, we have noticed that the most common challenges arise in the area of staff management, especially seasonal, temporary, and part-time employees. Irregular working hours make scheduling time-consuming, requiring a long communication process with employees to gather information about their availability. This is not an easy task, especially when employees have other commitments outside of work that must also be considered.

Companies pay attention to the area of customer service - improperly adjusted schedules, especially during peak hours, can negatively impact customer satisfaction. Consumers expect quick and efficient service, and if they do not receive it, they may choose to use the services of the competition.

Employees strive to maintain a balance between private and professional life. Shifts that are not adjusted to their preferences can lead to burnout, which in turn can affect their productivity and job satisfaction. Unfortunately, not all employers realize how important it is to care about the satisfaction and engagement of the team. It requires not only effective communication and planning but also understanding and considering the needs of employees. This is a challenge that must be overcome to achieve success.

Company solutions

An invaluable support for the daily functioning of restaurants turned out to be the Proplanum system. In the area of time organization, quick input and updating of staff availability is essential. For a manager, this means centralizing the schedule in one place, significantly facilitating the planning of many employees in different positions.

Proplanum system benefits:

  1. Quick Input and Updating of Staff Availability: The application allows for easy input and updating of employee availability, speeding up the scheduling process.
  2. Centralization of Schedules: Proplanum enables the centralization of schedules in one place, making it easier to manage employees in different positions.
  3. Monitoring and Controlling Workload: The system allows constant monitoring of the current workload, taking into account individual needs and preferences of employees.
  4. Increasing Operational Efficiency: The tool helps maintain a balance between operational efficiency and employee satisfaction, which is crucial for the company's success.

Achieved results

Thanks to the support of the Proplanum system, the restaurant industry has experienced significant process optimization:

  1. Reducing Time on Scheduling: The time spent on scheduling and coordinating work has decreased by almost 80%. This allowed managers to dedicate the saved time to tasks directly affecting the business, such as recruitment, training, and onboarding new employees, as well as revenue-increasing initiatives.
  2. Improving Employee Comfort: Employees experienced significant work comfort thanks to flexible schedules and better work-life balance. This contributed to increased satisfaction and strengthened loyalty to the company.
  3. Improving Communication and Transparency: Using the features offered by Proplanum allowed for improving communication and transparency at the management and employee level. This contributed to improving service quality and operational stability.


The Proplanum system has proven to be an invaluable tool for the restaurant industry, providing precise planning and staff management. Its implementation has allowed for a significant reduction in operational costs, increased efficiency in staff management, and improved customer service quality. Thanks to Proplanum, restaurants can achieve a balance between operational efficiency and employee satisfaction, which translates into better financial results and a competitive advantage in the long run.

Automate processes and increase work efficiency. Proplanum allows you to easily schedule and manage your team in one intuitive cloud system.
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If you have questions or need additional information, we are here to help. Start scheduling and improve team management today!
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Proplanum allows you to quickly create work schedules, delegate tasks, and fully control labor costs. Start a 21-day free trial of Proplanum and automate daily tasks related to planning and managing work in your company – it costs nothing!